Natural ways to loose weight

Being overweight and unhealthy is one of the common and serious issues nowadays and there are no such safe methods to reduce weight instantly. However, there are several natural methods or practices that have actually been proven to work and those can help reduce and control weight without sticking to any conventional diet or exercise regime.
I am sharing some easy and natural ways that I practiced and lost 3 kgs over few months.

1. Drink more water throughout the day.
Drinking enough water is important to keep check on weight because it keep your mouth busy and prevents your unnecessary food cravings. Drinking water half hour before and after meals helps in weight loss. Drink less water at night or before sleeping. Always carry a water bottle with you if you are going out.

2. Eat less at night. Eating lighter during dinner and having heavier meals during the day is good for health overall and not just weight. Never skip your dinner and always take your regular meals.

3. Practice Yoga. Try to sit in vajrasana for 5-15 minutes after taking meals. It is good for digestion. It is the only pose that can be done on a full stomach. Do some stretching and 'Surya Namaskar' (master of all asana) in the morning or in the evening.

4. Use small plates. Sounds funny but try eating less healthy or junk food in small plate, bowl, katori. Unconsciously, you will eat less when you use smaller plates.

5. Eat your food slowly. Eating food slowly makes you feel more full. When you consume food quickly you end up eating too much. People who eat faster tends to gain more weight over the period of time.

6. Drink black coffee/green tea in healthy amount. Unsweetened black coffee/green tea is quite weight loss friendly, since it can make you feel full but contains almost no calories and healthy does of antioxidants.

7. Limit your intake of sugar. Avoid consuming processed foods, drinks & packaged fruit juices. They contain way more sugar than you would think. Purchasing these may save your time but are not healthy to consume. Choose fresh fruit juices over packaged juices.

8. Walk more. Make walking your priority in your daily schedule. Choose stairs over elevators or escalators as much as you can.

9. Don't go out hungry. If you really want to loose your weight then never ever go out on an empty stomach. Eating before you go to the supermarket/malls helps reduce the risk of unwanted cravings and impulsive buying.

10. Stay positive. Positive thoughts increase your motivation and energy level. Negative attitude makes weight loosing process difficult. Its better to keep distance from negative people, thoughts and things. So cheer up folks. :-)


  1. All points are awesome & very helpful to loose weight . Thanks for sharing 🙂

  2. All are definitely very easy method to lose weight 👍🏼

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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